Bring Coastal Currents Back to Bexhill in 2020
Last year’s Coastal Currents Arts Festival really left its mark on Bexhill – literally! – with a fantastic mural in Wickham Road. Exhibitions, open studios, and much more kept creativity popping up all along the coast between Hastings, Rye, St Leonards, Bexhill and Eastbourne.

Eddie boosts Xmas special opening hours
BEXHILL Museum has extended its season to open over the Christmas period – boosted by the popularity of a new model railway commissioned by one of the town’s most famous names.

Christmas Museum Exclusive
Our new World War II Gallery is open and featuring the Bexhill in Winter 1940 themed model railway layout designed by Eddie Izzard. And if that inspires you, pick up some of our exclusive set of Christmas cards featuring images of the model railway covered in snow.

Eddie opens his Crazy Idea
An enthusiastic Eddie Izzard has explained to press and television how his “crazy idea” of recreating the snow scene which greeted his evacuee father on his return to Bexhill for Christmas 1940 has become reality.

Bexhill marks Queen Victoria’s 200th anniversary
THE star exhibit in the Museums Costume and Social History gallery, a mourning dress worn by Queen Victoria in 1892, was once used for dressing-up games, the donor has revealed.

Lace and embroidery weekend
EXQUISITE quality was the hallmark of the Museum’s lace and embroidery weekend, an event which brought admirers of these skills to the Costume Group’s beautifully-presented display in the Education Room on April 27th and 28th.

Bexhill’s Amiens Raid Air Ace
BRITISH & Commonwealth servicemen and women who lost their lives in the service of their countries are buried all over the world where their graves are tended by dedicated groups of local volunteers.

1950s and 60s Exhibition
VIBRANT colours, bold imaginative designs – Bexhill Museum’s 2019 exhibition on the Costume Gallery catwalk pays tribute to the exotic Fifties and Sixties. Costume Group volunteers Georgina Bradley, Stella Hales-Morris and colleagues have selected with care from the museum#s extensive collection to produce a display which is at once elegant and stunning. Here are […]

Blues Unlimited – new exhibition
BEXHIL Museum has a new exhibition for 2019 celebrating the work of two townspeople who in the 1960s founded a magazine still considered to have been one of the premier publications in its field. Did you know Bexhill was the birthplace of Blues Unlimited Magazine? This small exhibition in the museum reception area explains the […]

Eddie dedicates WWII rail layout
MODEL locomotives were chuffing, an air-raid warning siren was wailing and World War II posters lined the wall as the museum’s patron, comedian and actor Eddie Izzard, dedicated its newest attraction. The Park Gallery was packed. Television and press cameras concentrated on the star. But there was one key absentee. Two years ago Eddie and […]