TUCKER Henry John

Category: Military
Rank: Sapper
Regiment or Ship: 2nd Home Counties Royal Engineers (T)
Service Number(s): 960; 534146
Date of Birth: 03.01.1897
Place of Birth: Hampstead, London
Date of Death: 1971
Place of Death: Southwark, London. Address: 101 Windsor Road, Bexhill on Sea

Photos and newspaper articles

Family Information

No family can readily be found for Henry that can be proved. In the 1911 census he was living at 101 Windsor Road with an Ann Tucker – age 57, single, working as a Domestic Servant. However, no relationship was given. In the 1901 census he was living at War Clarks Cottage, St. Stephens, Bexhill, as a boarder.

First World War Experience

Henry enlisted before 17th October 1914 and on 23rd December of that year he was sent to the First Theatre of War (France). A photograph of him appeared in a local newspaper on 30th January 1915 saying that he was the son of Mr. A. Tucker of 108 Windsor-road. They must have been lodging at 108 as the property was owned by someone else at that time.

A further article appeared in a local newspaper dated 18th March 1916 which reads:-

“Sapper H. J. Tucker, 2nd. Home Counties Royal Engineers (T), whose home is at 101 Windsor-road, was wounded last April, and is still in hospital.”

The researcher is convinced that the address of 101 in this article is incorrect and that the correct number should have read 108 – but this cannot, of course, be proven.

As Henry’s war service records have not survived we have no details of his wounds or any other information of his war service.

Henry was awarded the Victory Medal, the British War Medal, and the 15 Star.

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