NASH Henry E

Category: Military
Rank: Sapper
Regiment or Ship: 2nd Home Counties Royal Engineers (T)
Service Number(s): 912; 534106
Date of Birth: 1890
Place of Birth: Weobley, Herefordshire
Date of Death: 1969
Place of Death: Hillingdon, London Address: Bruce House, 105 Windsor Road, Bexhill on Sea

Photos and newspaper articles

Family Information

Father:            Mr Timothy Nash who lived at 105 Windsor Road between 1913 and 1915.

First World War Experience

Henry enlisted on 22nd December 1914 and was fighting in France (Theatre of War 1). A photograph of him appeared in a local newspaper in February of the following year stating that he was serving in the 2nd Home Counties Royal Engineers (T). A further report on 12th October 1918 advised us that he had been wounded – no further details were given. As Henry’s service records did not survive the bombing of WW11 we know nothing further of his war service – apart from the fact that he was awarded the Victory Medal, the British War Medal, and the 15 Star.

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