Category: Military
Rank: Sergeant
Regiment or Ship: 2nd Essex Regiment
Service Number(s): 8805
Address: Brick-yard-cottage, Sidley, Bexhill-on-Sea
Photos and newspaper articles
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Family Information
Nothing definite can be found regarding Edmund’s family – apart from the information in the article below.
First World War Experience
We know very little about Edmund apart from the following article which appeared in a local newspaper dated 10th August 1918
“A French Honour
The gratifying intelligence has been received by his wife at Sidley that the Croix de Guerre has been awarded to Sergeant Edmund Harmon, Essex Regiment. Mrs. Harmon has resided since the war with her mother at Brickyard-cottage, Sidley. Her husband went to France on 26th August 1914 and has happily survived the campaigns of four years. The Ordre General of the French Army, issued to Sergeant Harmon states:- ‘At Dickebusch on 28th May 1918, when acting as Regimental Sergeant-Major, he showed great initiative and gallantry in keeping the front line troops supplied with ammunition and bombs and was of the greatest assistance to the Battalion Head Quarters throughout the day’.
Apart from the Croix de Guerre Edmund was also awarded the Victory Medal, the British War Medal, and the 14Star.