Coastguard Station

This site, on a low sandy cliff known as The Horn, had once had a Martello Tower on it. The Towers which were built from 1804 onwards were designed to stop a French invasion but were also used by the Coastal Blockade to prevent smuggling. The Coastguard replaced the Coastal Blockade but continued to use this site.

The Colonnade was built here in 1911 and the Coastguard Cottages were demolished in 1934 to make way for the De La Warr Pavilion



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Bexhill Museum is almost entirely self-funding. More than 90% of its day-to-day operating costs has to be raised from admission charges, shop & cafe sales, fundraising events and educational activities.

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01424 222058

The Museum, Egerton Rd, Bexhill, TN39 3HL

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Opening hours in 2024

Bexhill Museum is open six days a week, 11:00am to 4:00pm. We are closed on Mondays, except on Bank Holidays. Keep an eye on social media and our events page for news of special events.

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