Sussex VAD 38 Statement of Accounts December 1915

A statement of the accounts for 1915 for the Sussex VAD 38 Cooden Beach Red Cross Hospital were published in the Bexhill Observer on 29th January 1916.


A few weeks ago, we gave a general statement of the work done by Sussex 38 Voluntary Aid Detachment for the year ending 1915. We now publish the accounts, and the Commandant (Miss N. Bennett) asks us to express her thanks to all those who have so generously given money, groceries, and vegetables, which has enabled the hospital to be run without any great loss. The £822 6s received from the War Office represents at 3s per day the fact that 5,483 beds have been occupied in the Hospital during the period covered by these amounts.


Receipts:- For rations, £822 6s. ; for drugs, £2 4s. 6d.; balance carried down, £66 6s. 9d.
£890 11s 3d War Office grant for extension. £450 donations for ditto; £497 11s. Red Cross Society, Bexhill Branch, £64 10s. ; Donations for general purposes, £90 3s 6d; golf competition, etc., £26 12s. 6d.
Total £1,128 17s.
Payments:- Balance from last account, £12 19s. 3d.; coal and lighting, £77 2s. 9d.; groceries, butter and eggs, £153 9s. 9d. ; vegetables, £18 11s. 8d. ; meat, fish, etc., £176 19 1d. ; bread and milk, £108 6s. 6d.; salaries, nurses, etc., £122 6s. 6d.; repairs, renewals, and general expenses, £128 2s. 11d. ; laundry, £49 6s.; drugs, £48 6s. 10d.

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