Transcription from the Bexhill Chronicle 8th January 1916


The marriage of Mr C.C.N. Wallich and Miss Anne Gorton took place at St. Barnabas Church, Bexhill, on Monday morning, in the presence of a numerous congregation, the Rev. E. Mortlock, M.A., Vicar, officiating. Many of the congregation were invalided soldiers; others were nurses in their costumes.

The bride was the daughter of Mr and Mrs Gilbert Gorton, of Little Hill, Instow, North Devon, and the bridegroom was 2nd Lieutenant Cyril Collings Norton Wallich, Royal Field Artillery, son of Mr and Mrs C.A.N. Wallich, of Welton, Cantelupe Road, Bexhill. He was attired in khaki.

The ceremony was an impressive one, though it was shorn of the many accompaniments of a solemnization of marriage in peace times. Mr Alan Thorne presided at the organ, and his introductory music was much appreciated. Mr Lionel Ormsby acted as best man. At the close of the ceremony, as the bridegroom and bride left the church, Mendelssohn’s “Wedding March” was played by Mr Thorne.

Wedding Ann Gorton VAD,Cantelupe Hospital Sussex 24. 8th January 1916 Bexhill ChronicleThe bride wore a dark-blue coat and skirt with fur collar, black velvet French sailor hat, with pin and white flower. There was a quiet reception afterwards; and the bride’s going away dress consisted of a red pony-skin coat edged with fur.

Amongst numerous presents were a gold locket engraved, from the staff of the Red Cross Hospital, Sussex 24, and a pair of handsome silver vases from the wounded themselves. The bride has worked at the Hospital since the commencement of the War. The wounded soldiers, a number of whom were in the church, one or two on crutches, joined at the porch in giving a cordial greeting to Lieutenant Wallich and his bride as they were leaving the church. Miss Gorton leaves behind her a record of kindly faithful services to the wounded which will be long remembered in Bexhill.

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